For you guys who have yet to see Diablo III in its prestages, here it is on, ENJOY! :D
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Diablo III
For you guys who have yet to see Diablo III in its prestages, here it is on, ENJOY! :D
Fallout 3 Banned in AUS

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Kanaru (Shunya Yamashita) PVC

For those interested you can reserve your Figure here online at PlayAsia, just follow the link :) - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment
Soul Calibur IV AUS release
Technorati Profile
Monday, July 28, 2008
Soul Calibur 4 - Critical Finishes @
Before you guys go clicking the links to watch it, I just want to add how stunning this game looks. The character models and fluid motions are absolutely amazing, this is definitely not a game to be overlooked by anyone.
And for those of you wanting more, the second part:
I am sure most will agree that this will be an awesome game :) FOr those of you who want to order it online (US ver.) please follow the link below.
-C - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Kotobukiya Superman
Superman comes packaged in three pieces, figure, cape and stand. The box carries enough detail and a large window packaging for collectors to display within the box.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Queen's Blade Shizuka Hobby Japan Limited Ver.
Follow the link to buy Shizuka (Hobby Japan Limited Ver.) from PlayAsia: - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Haruhi Suzumiya PVC (Gothic Lotita ver.)
Just recieved my order from hobby-link Japan - the PVC Haruhi Suzumiya (Gothic Lolita ver.) release. I have to say that it is a very lavishly designed piece and I am more than impressed with it. Colors are bright, paint job is more than satisfactory and the tassles and ribbons have remained nicely intact. I gotta really recommend the guys at Hobby-link Japan for their fast and efficient service, not to mention their excellent packaging. The packaging came in nearly perfect condition, so props to the guys there for their effort. In summary, for fans of the anime or people who simply appreciate a pretty object, with great detail and cuteness about it, you have to check this figure out. Although, I believe stocks are low if not already sold out.
For image reference details, see Right hand Column.
follow the link to visit Hobby-link Japan:
Hobby-Link Japan
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Final Fantasy Tactics Review
This game is what earns the credit of an 'instant classic' as soon as the opening thunders in with its beautifully animated cell-shaded opening. Originally Final Fantasy Tactics, was a PSX title that was released in the mid 90s after the soaringly popular FFVII title. Over a decade later the game still retains its playability and flair. In fact, the game itself is so engrossing that it redefines the 'instant classic' to most players whom never played the title probably would not even second guess it to be a decade aged title with such technical mechanics.
The strong-point about final fantasy tactics is its epic storyline, you play as Ramza, protagonist and hero of the FFT storyline as he gets entwined in a family struggle and plays a critical role unsung in the war of the lions. The story itself takes place in the kingdom of Ivalice, those new to the title could relate it to the stunning FFXII theme, although Tactics is believed to be later on in the time-line period than FFXII itself.
Furthermore, the newly cell-shaded animations adds further depth into the storyline further glorifying its beauty and immortality amongst some of the most 'show-stopping' events in console strategy based-RPG games of all time. The markings of such cutscenes make the epic story-line even more gripping and immersing as you journey through strategic combat with Ramza and comrades.
Now for the main event, the game plays 'turn-based' strategy with similar elements to games like 'vandal hearts' (konami) although the system allows for much more customisation with the job system which introduces JP (Job points) as well as the ever common EXP (experience points) As you accumulate enough job points you are able to unlock new abilities for your characters in his/her specific job. There are many jobs to choose from and the ability to add a secondary job-talent to your character endorses the feel for multi-classing and further enhances the strategy elements and depth of the game. As you level and 'master' (max out abilities) in certain classes you gain access to new job classes with certain jobs being a real 'feat' to unlock. The new classes in the PSP release of the game include Dark and Onion Knight (the latter which starts weak and becomes ridiculously strong as you level other jobs and progress through the game)
The major downside of the game is in retrospective to new players, the combat system can be confusing to begin with and the difficulty will feel fairly hard to inexperienced players. However, this should not be a setback to player who are willing to implore timed judgements and really get involved with learning the combat system, grinding for JP where needed. For the player who loves to 'grind' (level for EXP /JP) this downside will only increase playability and longevity to an already great game. The problem of 'LAG' most fans of the old game would cry would be barely noticeable for someone new to the game, certain battle animations are slowed down in comparison to the existing PSW title. However, this should not be an issue great enough to deem the game broken or unplayable.
In Summary, FFT is a great game for those who love challenges and are big fans of strategy-based RPGs coupled with an epic storyline. This game has a little of 'this and that' for everybody and the engine retains its playability with nostalgic sound effects that will bring a tear to most veteran gamers eyes.
Click the link below to buy FFT (US) - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Arcana Heart Review
This game is simply what redefines the term 'FUN' in 2D fighters. Just when most people thought 2D fighting games were long superceded by their next gen 3D counterparts, AQ interactive blasts on to the scene to resurrect the genre and bring back the fun and flair of old school 2D fighters.
Now a simple analysis of the cast leads us to realise that the game's selectable characters all have one thing in common~ they are all female, yes, whether AQ was specifically targeting a female audience by using an all female cast or simply smartly tickling the senses of the SHIM. They have managed to put together an interest line-up of all female characters.
The character designs are very original to say the least in the sense that there is a little bit for everyone to enjoy in this game. The games version of a 'Grappler' (Zangief type from Street Fighter) is a 12 year old girl, who uses a water sprite in which she rides to fight for her. Beware, innocence does not Piledrive you into the cement pavement :)
To add to the creativity of the characters are the colorful sonic effects generated by the characters performing their special unique abilities, the animations and sprites really bring this game to life, and needless to say the battle arenas and environments are generously colored and detailed to keep you engrosses in this 2D fight-fest. The environments are large and tall, that give the players the chance to launch their opponents skyward and perform devastating air combos mid-flight to further lay the smackdown to your unsuspecting FOE.
Interestingly enough, Arcana Hearts plays similar to most other 2D fighters, most players will reflect with games like Capcom Vs Marvel and the like. However, to add to the ferocity of an all out smackfest, they smartly introduced the DASH system. Hitting 'X' on the controller will allow the players to perform DASHES to intercept, cancel combat moves that would otherwise leave your butt open for a full-scale combo assault. In addition, to act as a cancel/combo starter. The DASH gauge consists of three bars that depletes when you use the DASH command. TO those anticipating, fear not, for when your character is not utilising this ability, the gauge will replenish itself so you may use it again and again. The best part of this mechanic is that it adds more strategy and intensity to the already fast paced battles you will partake in Arcana Heart.
The other aspect that turns heads in Arcana Heart, is the ability to customise your characters 'SUMMON' ability, each character is able to choose a 'SUMMON' ability that can be performed once per round in a battle, that acts as a super ability in addition to the characters individual special attacks. Each 'SUMMON' also has their own variety of special moves, so if your opponent is frying with pestering lightning attacks, or rooting you with the PLANT summon, there is no excuse for you not to select the same ability summon and join the fight with tide-turning abilities of your own. This game system further adds depth and customisability to what some may consider a limited cast of characters. You are likely to spend hours tailoring your characters play style with restrospective as its supporting ability, this adds really great replayability to an already enjoyable game.
The game itself has the same features as most 2D fighters, an Arcade mode, STORY mode, VS mode, Special features and Training mode. One of the few drawbacks to Arcana Heart is its lack of secrets to unlock and no unlockable characters, for those who loved the challenge of unlocking multiple characters like in the Tekken series, this aspect of the game may disappoint. However, rest assured the characters are likeable and more than well-thought of to deem the game very much complete.
The sound effects are more than decent and majority are 'OH so cute' the musical score is also enticing and plays very well with the majority of colorfully themed stages. All in all, Arcana Heart is a 'MUST' buy for FANS of the 2D fighting genre... Heck, even if your not a FAN its just so whacky and fun that most people will enjoy something about the game's overall flair for surprises. Definitely an IMPORT title, to watch for those 2D girl crazy fighting fanatics and those who do not shun or cry at the defeat of a 10 year old girl played by your middle-aged neighbor :P
Now this game is innovation brought to you from JAPAN, are we all not glad we got developers who have thought of everything :)
Thank you for reading :)
Please follow the links to buy the US release version at PlayAsia: - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment
And the Japanese Version here: - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Drill will Pierce the Heavens!~
The story is focused around the anime's protagonist known as 'Simon' accompanied by his new found friend 'Kamina' who Simon refers to as 'Aniki' (Japanese Older brother) embark on an adventure to escape the village of Giha located below the world's surface makes up a subterranean civilisation. Kamina who is forever dreaming of the 'surface world with no roof' fills Simon with visions of glory that a bigger and better world exists beyond the confines of the underground village. Simon who is vastly impressed by Kamina's resolve and further influenced when he discovers a large 'face' as well as the 'key' a turn of events that will change his life and begin this epic adventure.
GAINEX has really redefined the 'unexpected' with this title as it characterizes a more than memorable cast with an epic story. For those of you who enjoy Sci-Fi space adventures look no further as Gurren Lagaan has all the niches and makings of a fantastic story of adventure and Super Robots. Fans of the genre will appreciate the crazyness of mecha designs and how the Laganns interact and play a large role in the outlay of the story. For those viewers who are simply looking to experiment or just wanting something 'new', Look no further! for there is something for everyone in this action packed series.
The message behind the plot and the sheer inspirational feeling you get from watching the protagonist 'Simon' subject himself to a dangerous life on the surface world is a great contrast to the development of the other characters who tie and meld his future.
This anime is not to be missed and has to be experienced to be fully appreciated. Pick this one up, chances are you'll really be missing something special if you do not.
Follow the link below to buy Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann online. - Your One-Stop-Shop for Asian Entertainment